The Emotional Rollercoaster of an Adult Diagnosis
If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, it’s understandable if you feel grief and regret about missed opportunities and find yourself wondering what could have been different if you were diagnosed earlier.
Grief, Regret, and the What-Ifs
Maybe you’ve revisited your past, and realized how much unmanaged ADHD impacted all areas of your life. Maybe you feel grief at the heartache of unrealized potential because you didn’t understand your brain.
Frustration and Confusion
Or, maybe you feel frustrated that your symptoms had been undetected for so long and life was so much more difficult than it needed to be.
H3: The “Obvious” in Hindsight
For a lot of people, confusion stems from trying to comprehend how they could have reached adulthood without a proper diagnosis, especially when the symptoms were so obvious in hindsight.
The Bright Side: Relief and Validation
But, a diagnosis as an adult often sparks a sense of relief and validation—Relief about finally having an explanation for the lifelong struggles and challenges faced, and validation that you weren’t imagining them. Your symptoms weren’t your fault. You didn’t need to ‘just try harder’.
Your Feelings Are Valid
These feelings are valid, and completely understandable.
Turning Challenges Into Opportunities
There’s no denying that neurodivergence has its challenges, but, there has been extensive research into evidence-based strategies to support the unique neurodivergent brain.
The Power of an Accurate Diagnosis
Receiving an accurate diagnosis, at any age, gives you the opportunity to understand your brain and get support with navigating challenging symptoms.
Looking Forward, Not Back
Acknowledging the past and the missed opportunities is part of the journey, but it’s important to channel energy into self-acceptance, self-care, and using the unique strengths of a neurodivergent brain to your advantage.